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Supported languages in Prezi Video

No matter where you are in the world and who you are creating your video for, we want to make sure that you can convey your message effectively and dazzle your viewers. Prezi Video now supports 24 different international alphabets to help you connect more personally with your audience.

Supported alphabets

Here's the list of alphabets you can use when adding text in the Prezi Video online editor: 

Latin, Greek, Arabic & Persian, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Han (Chinese), Hiragana & Katakana (Japanese), Hangul (Korean), Devanagari, Bengali, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Telugu, Kannada, Lao, Malayalam, Tamil, Odia, Thai, Armenian, Georgian, Tibetan, Sinhala, Amharic & Ge’ez

Using international alphabets in Prezi Video

Using international characters in the Prezi Video online editor is easy: when creating a video, simply add your text to the slide (have the specific keyboard selected or copy+paste your text) and you'll see it appear on the video screen.

Please note that all Prezi Video templates come with a default font which might not support the alphabet you're using. If this is the case, your text will automatically switch to a different, supported font. This might take a few seconds and you'll see your text update on the screen. 


Pro Tip: You can use several different alphabets in one text box but depending what template you use, you might see a difference in font the separate alphabets are displayed in, depending on whether they are supported in the template's default font. 
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