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Using Prezi AI Text Enhancement

Prezi AI text enhancements can help you find the perfect length for your text, turn it into bullet points, and simplify your writing.

  1. Click on the text you want to enhance to select it.
  2. Select the Ask AI button on the property bar that appears.
  3. Select Turn into bullet points, Make shorter, Make longer, or Simplify from the list that appears.
  4. You can repeat or combine text enhancements as much as you’d like.

AI Text Enhancement.gif

Turning text into bullet points

Turning text into bullet points is a great way to quickly summarize your key ideas. You can turn any text in Prezi Present into bullet points automatically using Prezi AI.

  1. Click on the text you want to turn into bullet points to select it.
  2. Select the Ask AI button on the property bar that appears.
  3. Select Turn into bullet points from the list.

Adjusting text length

You can easily make any text shorter or longer with Prezi AI.

  1. Click on the text you want to shorten or lengthen to select it.
  2. Select the Ask AI button on the property bar that appears.
  3. Select Make shorter or Make longer from the list.

Repeat these steps to adjust the length of the text even further, or mix and match until you get your ideal length. Remember that you can combine a manual text edit with AI for the perfect solution.

Simplifying text

Take any complex idea and make it easier for your audience to understand with Prezi AI.

  1. Click on the text you want to simplify to select it.
  2. Select the Ask AI button on the property bar that appears.
  3. Select Simplify from the list.

You can simplify text multiple times until you’re happy with the length and readability.

Using Prezi AI in Other Ways

You can also use Prezi AI to transform your text automatically into visual stories. Learn more in our article here.


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