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How to use the Camera overlay in Prezi for Desktop

Camera overlay is a great way to engage your audience and connect to them while presenting. It’s best used for sharing your presentation via screen share during a web call.

  1. Find the presentation you want to present in the Prezi for Desktop dashboard.
  2. Click the Present button.
  3. In the view that appears, click Camera overlay in the bottom left corner.
  4. If a permissions pop-up appears, allow Prezi to have access to your camera.
  5. Drag your camera overlay to wherever you’d like it to appear in your presentation.


This is a beta feature: We’d love to hear your feedback about it in this quick survey

Toggling Camera overlay

You can turn the Camera overlay feature on and off at any point, even in the middle of a presentation. To start, just click the Camera overlay button in the bottom left of the screen.

You can easily tell when the camera overlay is on, off, or experiencing an error thanks to the symbol that appears on the button:

    • Camera: Camera overlay is on
    • Camera with a strike through it: Camera overlay is off
    • A red triangle with an exclamation mark: Prezi has not been granted permission to access your camera, or another issue has occurred. 
Note: If you're a Windows user, If your camera is already open in another application such as Zoom, you cannot turn on the Camera overlay feature. Close your camera in the other applications and try again.

Switching and mirroring cameras

You can easily switch which camera is in use or mirror your camera at any time.

  1. Click the small arrow near the Camera overlay button.
  2. Select which camera you want to use.
  3. Select if you want to mirror the camera.

The mirror in use will have a small check mark near it. This check mark will also appear near the Mirror camera option if the video feed is mirrored.

Pro Tip: Mirroring your camera may make it easier for you to point to parts of your presentation with your finger. Try it out!

Granting camera access

For Camera overlay to function, Prezi for Desktop needs access to your camera.

  1. Go to Start  > Settings  > Privacy  > Camera.
  2. Choose your preferred setting for Allow apps to access your camera.
  3. Under Choose which apps can access your camera, be sure that the setting for “Prezi” is turned to On.
  1. On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences or System Settings, click Security & Privacy, then click Privacy.
  2. Click Camera.
  3. Select the checkbox next to "Prezi" to allow access to your camera.
  4. The first time you click Camera overlay, a pop up will appear asking for permission to access your camera. Click OK to grant access. You can revoke this access at any time.

Moving Camera overlay

To move the Camera overlay while it is on, just click and drag on your video feed. You can move it anywhere on screen. Note that your audience will not be able to see the part of your presentation that you are covering.

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