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# placeholder

Customizing colors and creating a color scheme in Prezi Present

Colors help define the look and feel of your presentation and set the mood for your audience. The color scheme is first created when you choose a template, but it can be changed at any time while editing. You can even create your own custom palette to match your style and brand. Picasso would be jealous.

  1. From the editor, click the Style button at the top of your screen, and then click on Colors to open the color sidebar.
  2. Choose from one of the Default Palettes or click the pencil icon to edit any color scheme.
  3. Click on Create new to select your custom colors and add your own custom color palette.
  4. Upload your brand logo to select from its colors or click the Background image button to pull the colors from your background and create a matching palette for you. 
  5. Give it a name, save and your Color palette will be available to any of your presentations.

Changing the color scheme

Each template comes with a predefined color scheme that complements the look and feel of the presentation. However, you can change the colors at any time to give it a different look with a set of recommended colors or add your own colors to fit your brand.

From the editor, click the Style button at the top of your screen, and then click on Colors to open the color sidebar.

Choose from any of the Default Palettes in the sidebar and you will see it update on the canvas.


Did you know: Not happy with the changes you made? You can revert to the template’s original color scheme at any time by clicking on Template Palette at the bottom of the sidebar.

Editing a color scheme

If you like some colors but need to make a few tweaks in the scheme, simply hover over the palette that you like, and then click on the pencil icon in the top left corner.*

*Paid feature: Editing color scheme is available for users with a Plus or higher Prezi plan. Luckily it’s a breeze to upgrade your license and get access to this and all the other great features our Prezi plans have to offer.

Click on the color square next to one of the palette options (Color 1, Color 2, etc.) to modify it. 

Choose from the selection of scheme and global colors, or use the color picker. You can also add a customized color using its HEX or RGB code. 

Give it a name, click on Save, and this new Color Palette will be available to be applied to any of your presentations.

002_Editing_colors_in color_palette.gif

Creating a new color scheme

You can also create a custom color scheme by adding your own colors or by using the colors of your background image or logo.*

*Paid feature: Editing color scheme is available for users with a Plus or higher Prezi plan. Luckily it’s a breeze to upgrade your license and get access to this and all the other great features our Prezi plans have to offer.

With the "Colors" sidebar open, click Create new at the top, and then add a name for your scheme. You can rename it if you open the color scheme for editing later on.

Creating a palette from a logo

Upload your company logo from your computer in one of the supported image formats to automatically create a palette that matches its colors.

003_Color palette_from_a_logo.gif

Note: Uploading your logo here will not automatically add it to your presentation. You would still need to insert your logo and add it to your presentation.

Creating a palette from the background image 

Clicking the Background image button will pull the colors from your background image and create a matching palette for you. If you later decide to go with a different background, you can reopen the “Colors” sidebar and generate a new color scheme for it.


Note: Your logo and background have to consist of at least two different colors to be able to generate a color palette.

Creating a palette from scratch 

Click on Create new and choose from the selection of scheme and global colors, or use the color picker to select any colors from your screen. You can also add a customized color using its HEX or RGB code.

Alternatively you can modify an existing Color palette by clicking on the color square next to one of the palette options (color 1, color 2, etc.) to modify it and save as a new one. 

Once you’re ready with your palette, click Save.


To duplicate an existing color palette, click on the Make a copy button next to Save. To delete a color palette, you will find the Delete button right next to it.

Did you know? The color scheme settings also include the option to select the default font types for the different textual elements of your presentation. To learn more, check out our article on adding and editing text.

You will see all of your custom palettes at the top of the color sidebar. You can access and reuse these in any existing or new presentations.

Want to change your background image to fit your new color scheme? You can learn how to change the background image with this article.

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