#From July 29 - August 2, we’ll be closing our live support channels in observance of a company holiday. You can still submit help requests online, and we’ll answer as quickly as possible.
#From July 29 - August 2, we’ll be closing our live support channels in observance of a company holiday. You can still submit help requests online, and we’ll answer as quickly as possible.

Viewing your company leaderboard

Prezi Analytics features a company leaderboard that will help encourage productivity, allow you to track performance and progress of a presentation and promote transparency.

Check out your company leaderboard to see who are your most active team members and your team’s most viewed presentations. You can filter data from the last 7 to 90 days and even download a CSV file to open as a spreadsheet.

Learn more about getting your team on Prezi! This short 15-minute on-demand video gives you everything you need to know about a Prezi team license for your team(s) or company.

Paid feature: Prezi Analytics is available for users with a Premium or higher Prezi plan. Luckily it’s a breeze to upgrade your license and get access to this and all the other great features our Prezi plans have to offer.

In addition to seeing who are the most active team members, you’ll see

  • how many links each member has created,
  • what is the open rate per member, and
  • how many viewers have seen the member’s presentations.

The leaderboard also shows which presentation link has performed the best, including information like

  • who the presentation was shared with,
  • who shared the tracking link,
  • how many viewers have seen the presentation, and
  • what is the total view time on the presentation.

These analytics will help your team measure which presentations are performing well and which companies are actively looking at your them. Thus, you get a feeling of client interaction and which clients might need a little more attention.

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