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# placeholder

Using the context menu in Prezi Present

The context menu gives you a quick alternative to some of the most useful commands when editing and it changes according to where your cursor is on the presentation.

  1. Right-click on an object or hold CTRL/CMD+click on an object to open the context menu.
  2. The context menu can be accessed on any object on the canvas, and the list of commands will change depending on the object. 

On the overview

Right-click or CTRL/CMD+click on the overview to get this menu.

01 overview context.png

  • Paste: Adds what you have copied to the clipboard to your presentation.
  • Change background: Opens the Background sidebar so you can change your background image or color.
  • Change colors: Opens the Colors sidebar so you can change your presentation’s default colors.
  • Change overview layout: Allows you to change the layout of your topics based presentation.
  • Insert text: Adds a new text box to your presentation.
  • Insert image: Opens the Image sidebar so you can add an image.
  • Insert frame: Adds a new frame to your canvas and allows you to choose a layout from the right side bar or insert it as blank.
  • Insert planet topic: Adds a new planet topic.
  • Start presentation: Enables you to start viewing or presenting your presentation.
  • Add comment: Adds a new comment to this part of your presentation.

On text, objects and topics

Right-click or CTRL/CMD+click on a text, object or topic to get this menu.

02 objects context.png

  • Cut: Cuts the selected object to your clipboard.
  • Copy: Copies the selected object to your clipboard.
  • Paste: Pastes the cut or copied object to your canvas.
  • Delete: Deletes the selected object.
  • Bring to front: Moves the selected object all the way to the front of your canvas, placing it in front of any other objects.
  • Bring forward: Moves the selected object up one layer on your canvas, placing it in front of the next object.
  • Send to back: Moves the selected object all the way to the back of your canvas so it is behind all other objects.
  • Send backward: Moves the selected object down one layer on your canvas so it is behind the previous object.
  • Multiselect: Select multiple objects at once.
  • Add animation: Add animations such as zooming or fade to the selected topic, subtopic, text, or object.
  • Change text style: Create a style with different fonts for your presentation.
  • Update style preset: Change the style of the text of your presentation.
  • Enable text autofit: Enable to fit your text into the set size or to adjust the text size automatically as you write. 
  • Advanced topic editing: Customizes the cover of a topic or subtopic.
  • Add to my library: Add any item on your canvas to your library to use it later in any other presentation.
  • Add comment: Add a comment to the selected topic, subtopic, text, or object.
  • Lock: Locks the object in place and can't be moved or selected. It can be unlocked by clicking on the padlock or on the context menu.

On images

Right-click or CTRL/CMD-click on an image to get this menu.

03 images context.png

  • Cut: Cuts the selected image to your clipboard.
  • Copy: Copies the selected image to your clipboard.
  • Paste: Pastes the cut or copied image to your canvas.
  • Delete: Deletes the image from your canvas.
  • Bring to front: Moves the selected image all the way to the front of your canvas, placing it in front of any other objects.
  • Bring forward: Moves the selected image up one layer on your canvas, placing it in front of the next object.
  • Send to back: Moves the selected image all the way to the back of your canvas so it is behind all other objects.
  • Send backward: Moves the selected image down one layer on your canvas so it is behind the previous object.
  • Flip horizontally: Mirrors the image along a vertical axis, swapping left and right sides.
  • Flip vertically: Mirrors the image along a horizontal axis, flipping it upside down.
  • Multiselect: Select multiple objects at once.
  • Add animation: Add animations such as zooming or fade to the selected image.
  • Replace…: Opens the Image sidebar so you can choose a new image and it will maintain the same size.
  • Advanced image editing: Opens the image editor
  • Add to my library: Add the image to your library to use it later in any other presentation.
  • Insert text: Adds a new text box to your presentation.
  • Add comment: Adds a comment to the image.
  • Lock: Locks the image in place and can't be moved or selected. It can be unlocked by clicking on the padlock or on the context menu.

On frames

Right-click or CTRL/CMD-click on a frame to get this menu.

04 frames context.png

  • Delete: Deletes the frame from the canvas and the timeline.
  • Detach content from frame: Allows you to move and resize the frame but keep the content in the same place.
  • Multiselect: Select multiple objects at once.
  • Add to timeline: Adds this frame to the timeline.
  • Set as starting point: Sets this frame as the beginning of the presentation.
  • Insert text: Adds a new text box to your presentation.
  • Add comment: Adds a comment to this portion of the presentation.
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