# Placeholder
# Placeholder

Embedding your presentation

Let your Prezi presentation do its magic. If you have a site where you’d like to embed your masterpiece, no problem. You just need your presentation’s view link and the embed code.

Embedding your presentation

1. From your Prezi Present dashboard, find the presentation you'd like to embed, click the three dots in its thumbnail and select Sharing and privacy from the list. 

2. Go to Embed at the bottom of the window.

Note: You can only access the embed code of presentations that you are the owner of. If you want to embed a presentation you're added as a collaborator on, contact the owner of the presentation.

3. You can set the dimension for the embed on the top (keeping the same 16:9 aspect ratio). When you're done, click Copy, and you're ready to embed your presentation on a website!


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