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Inserting Charts in Prezi Present

Charts visualize your data and bring your numbers to life, and there are plenty of options to choose from in Prezi Present.

  1. Click the Media button on the top toolbar.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Chart.
  3. Select the type of chart to insert using the right side panel.
  4. Choose the theme and a chart to add to your canvas.
  5. Select the chart and click Edit chart on the property bar to add your data.
Prezi Plus feature: Inserting charts is available for users with a Plus or higher Prezi plan. Luckily, it’s a breeze to upgrade your license and get access to this and all the other great features our Prezi plans have to offer..

Inserting charts

  1. Click the Media button on the top toolbar.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Chart.
  3. Choose the type of chart to insert using the right side panel.
  4. Select Dark theme for light colored backgrounds or Light theme for dark colored backgrounds.
  5. Choose a chart to insert.
  6. Click on it or drag and drop it onto your canvas.
  7. The chart will appear in your presentation.


Uploading data

1. Select the chart and click the Edit chart button on the property bar that appears.


2. Click Edit data in the upper right corner of the chart editor.

3. From here, you can upload a file from your computer or edit your data in the spreadsheet manually. To upload a data set, click Upload file… and select a file from your computer.


Supported data files

Prezi Present supports .CSV, .XLS, and .XLSX files for importing your data. You can also copy and paste values into the data sheet.

Note: Always use keyboard shortcuts (CMD/CTRL+C/V) for copy+paste while editing your chart data.

Editing data

From here you can type manually or use keyboard shortcuts (CMD/CTRL+C/V) for copying and pasting new data.

You can also right-click a cell to access the context menu to add a hyperlink, insert or delete rows and columns into your spreadsheet. 


Editing charts

Once you’ve inserted a chart into your presentation, you can adjust its size, position, and orientation on your canvas.

To move the chart, select it and drag and drop it to its new position.

To resize the chart, select it and drag a corner to enlarge or reduce it.

To rotate the chart, select it and move your cursor just past one of the corners. A rotate icon will appear. Drag the icon in the direction you want to rotate the chart.


Copying and pasting charts

You can copy and paste charts from one presentation to another or within the same presentation:

  • To copy, simply press CMD/CTRL+C or right-click on the chart and select Copy. It will add the chart to your clipboard.
  • To paste, hold down CMD/CTRL+V or right-click and select Paste.

Deleting charts

To remove a chart from your canvas, click on it and press the DELETE/BACKSPACE key on your keyboard or right-click and select Delete. If you delete the chart by accident, just press CTRL/CMD+Z to undo the action.

Customizing your chart

Learn how to customize the appearance and properties of your chart with this article.

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