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Customizing charts in Prezi Present

We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, so what’s your data visualization saying? Make sure your message is loud and clear by customizing the appearance and properties of your charts. Adjust the colors, labels, and format to make your data display just the way you want your audience to see it.

  1. With a chart inserted, right-click (CMD/CTRL+click) and select Edit chart.
  2. Choose to change the chart type and set properties like colors, axes, and legend.
  3. Click Update to save your changes and return to the canvas.

Plus feature: Inserting charts in Prezi Present is available for users with a Plus or higher Prezi plan. Luckily it’s a breeze to upgrade your license and get access to this and all the other great features our Prezi plans have to offer.

Customizing charts

Once you’ve inserted a chart into your presentation, customize its appearance to adjust the way your data is interpreted and displayed. Most charts have similar customization options, but some features vary depending on the chart type used.

To start, right-click (CMD/CTRL+click) and select Edit chart in the context toolbar.

Note: Changes made in the chart editor will update the chart in the editor preview, but not on your canvas. When finished, click Update to apply the changes or Cancel to discard them and return to your presentation.


Chart type

To change the chart type, click the thumbnail of your current chart type located in the top-right corner of the chart editor. Then, choose a chart type that best displays your data.


Chart properties

From here you can adjust the way a chart displays your data and values. Options here vary as each chart type has a different way of visualizing data.



Every chart type comes with predefined colors for the default data set. Choose a custom color for data categories and other chart features using the color picker or by typing in a hex code. 004_changecolors.gif

Axis & grid

These options allow you to customize axis titles, labels, range, and the appearance of grid lines. If you are using a pie chart, this category will not appear.

Note: Some options in this category are automatically set according to the scale and dimensions of your chart and may not display when adjusted.



Toggle the legend on or off to show or hide data category names below your chart.

Pro Tip: When the legend is enabled, you can select which data category will display by clicking on the colored dots.


Data format

Here you can choose how your chart reads and displays the data in your spreadsheet.

Prefix and Suffix

Add a symbol or letter before or after axis labels.

Numeric format

This will recognize values in your data sheet according to the punctuation and format you choose.

Note: Changing the numeric format can completely change the way your data is recognized and displayed. Always check to make sure the numbers in your data sheet are in the correct format.

Abbreviate thousand (K) and million (M)*

Shortens large numbers on each axis to their abbreviated form.

Switch rows with columns

Alternates the X and Y axis so the chart interprets and displays your data differently.


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