# Placeholder
# Placeholder

Autoplay for downloaded presentations

Want to put your presentation on autopilot? The autoplay feature in Prezi Present allows you to set downloaded presentations to play automatically so you don't have to do the clicking. You control the pace by setting the time interval between transitions and autoplay will loop your presentation so it plays continuously for the world to see.

Note: The autoplay feature in Prezi Present is available for presentations downloaded using the desktop app. Please read more about how to download a presentation here.

To set the autoplay feature, open a downloaded presentation on your computer (this will be an EXE file for Windows or a ZIP file for Mac). Then, click the cogwheel in the lower right corner of your screen and select an interval of 4, 10, or 20 seconds.

Note: Autoplay is not currently available for presentations that contain audio. If your downloaded presentation contains an audio file, the cogwheel will not appear in the lower right corner.


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