Shortcuts can help you move quickly and precisely in Prezi Present. Here’s a list split into relevant categories to get you started.
Quick keyboard shortcuts
Moving around the editor
Using a trackpad:
- Use two fingers to move around
- Pinch or expand your fingers to zoom
Using a mouse:
- Hold down the right mouse button and drag to move around
- Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom
H: Toggle the hand tool
Left and right arrow keys: Move through the presentation path
Editing shortcuts
CTRL + drag corner: Resize an object or topic from its center point
SHIFT + drag: Draw a rectangle to select multiple objects
SHIFT + click: Select multiple objects
SHIFT + keyboard arrows: Move selection
Up, down, left, right arrows: Nudge selection
CRTL+ALT+Click: Rotate a selected object
CTRL + A: Select all
CTRL + C: Copy
CTRL + X: Cut
CTRL + V: Paste
CTRL + Z: Undo
CTRL + G: Group
CTRL + D: Duplicate
CTRL + E: Advanced topic editing (topic has to be selected)
CTRL + R: Reload editor
CTRL + Shift + G: Ungroup
CTRL + F: Find and replace text
SPACE: Toggle the Hand tool and drag the canvas
CTRL + BACKSPACE: Delete text word by word
ALT + up arrow/down arrow: Zoom in/out of the canvas
Alt + scroll: Zoom into/out of a topic
CMD + click and drag: Disable snapping
OPTION/ALT + drag corner: Resize an object or topic from its center point
SHIFT + drag: Draw a rectangle to select multiple objects
SHIFT + keyboard arrows: Move selection
Up, down, left, and right arrow keys: Nudge a selected object
CMD+Click object corner: Rotate a selected object
CMD + A: Select all
CMD + C: Copy
CMD + X: Cut
CMD + V: Paste
CMD + D: Duplicate
CMD + Z: Undo
CMD + E: Advanced topic editing (topic has to be selected)
CMD + G: Group
CMD + Shift + G: Ungroup
CMD + F: Find and replace text
CMD + R: Reload editor
SPACE: Activates the Hand tool while pressed to drag the canvas
OPT + BACKSPACE: Delete text word by word
CMD + up arrow/down arrow: Zoom in/out of the canvas
Alt/option + scroll: Zoom into/out of a topic
Presenting shortcuts
F5 (Win) / CMD+P (Mac): Present
Right and left arrows: Move forward and backward a step
Backspace: Go back one layer in the presentation
Home (Win) / Fn + left arrow (Mac): Navigate to the first step or custom starting point of the presentation (presenting from editor or from the Viewer app)
End (Win) / Fn + right arrow (Mac): Navigate to the last step of the presentation (presenting from the editor or from the Viewer app)
ESC: Exit fullscreen