Please note: From February 3rd to February 7th, live support will be unavailable. You can still submit help requests online and we’ll answer as quickly as possible.
Please note: From February 3rd to February 7th, live support will be unavailable. You can still submit help requests online and we’ll answer as quickly as possible.

Keyboard shortcuts in Prezi Present

Shortcuts can help you move quickly and precisely in Prezi Present. Here’s a list split into relevant categories to get you started.

   Quick keyboard shortcuts

  • H or Spacebar: Toggle the hand tool to drag the canvas
  • CTRL or CMD + A: Select all
  • CTRL or CMD + C: Copy
  • CTRL or CMD + X: Cut
  • CTRL or CMD + V: Paste
  • CTRL or CMD + Z: Undo 
  • CTRL or CMD + G: Group
  • CTRL or CMD + D: Duplicate

Moving around the editor

Using a trackpad:

  • Use two fingers to move around
  • Pinch or expand your fingers to zoom

Using a mouse:

  • Hold down the right mouse button and drag to move around
  • Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom

H: Toggle the hand tool

Left and right arrow keys: Move through the presentation path

Editing shortcuts

ALT + click and drag transformation handles: Disable snapping
CTRL + drag corner: Resize an object or topic from its center point
SHIFT + drag: Draw a rectangle to select multiple objects
SHIFT + click: Select multiple objects
SHIFT + keyboard arrows: Move selection
Up, down, left, right arrows: Nudge selection
CRTL+ALT+Click: Rotate a selected object

CTRL + A: Select all
CTRL + C: Copy
CTRL + X: Cut
CTRL + V: Paste
CTRL + Z: Undo
CTRL + G: Group
CTRL + D: Duplicate
CTRL + E: Advanced topic editing (topic has to be selected)
CTRL + R: Reload editor
CTRL + Shift + G: Ungroup
CTRL + F: Find and replace text
SPACE: Toggle the Hand tool and drag the canvas
CTRL + BACKSPACE: Delete text word by word

ALT + up arrow/down arrow: Zoom in/out of the canvas

Alt + scroll: Zoom into/out of a topic


CMD + click and drag: Disable snapping
OPTION/ALT + drag corner: Resize an object or topic from its center point
SHIFT + drag: Draw a rectangle to select multiple objects
SHIFT + keyboard arrows: Move selection
Up, down, left, and right arrow keys: Nudge a selected object

CMD+Click object corner: Rotate a selected object

CMD + A: Select all
CMD + C: Copy
CMD + X: Cut
CMD + V: Paste
CMD + D: Duplicate
CMD + Z: Undo
CMD + E: Advanced topic editing (topic has to be selected)
CMD + G: Group
CMD + Shift + G: Ungroup
CMD + F: Find and replace text
CMD + R: Reload editor
SPACE: Activates the Hand tool while pressed to drag the canvas
OPT + BACKSPACE: Delete text word by word
CMD + up arrow/down arrow: Zoom in/out of the canvas

Alt/option + scroll: Zoom into/out of a topic

Presenting shortcuts

F5 (Win) / CMD+P (Mac): Present

Right and left arrows: Move forward and backward a step

Backspace: Go back one layer in the presentation

Home (Win) / Fn + left arrow (Mac): Navigate to the first step or custom starting point of the presentation (presenting from editor or from the Viewer app)

End (Win) / Fn + right arrow (Mac): Navigate to the last step of the presentation (presenting from the editor or from the Viewer app)

ESC: Exit fullscreen

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