Please note: From February 3rd to February 7th, live support will be unavailable. You can still submit help requests online and we’ll answer as quickly as possible.
Please note: From February 3rd to February 7th, live support will be unavailable. You can still submit help requests online and we’ll answer as quickly as possible.

Keyboard shortcuts in Prezi Video

Shortcuts can help you with precision. They also expand your editing horizons and help you work quickly and more efficiently. Not to mention, they give your out-of-breath mouse a rest. 

Prezi Video Web

Left arrow - moves to the previous slide in the presentation

Right arrow - moves to the next slide in the presentation

During recording

SPACE - Pausing the recording

B - Toggle content visibility
1 - Presenter + content view
2 - Content-only view

3 - Transparent view

Option/Alt+N - Hide/unhide name tag

ESC  - Stop recording


Watching a video via the view page

SPACE -  Toggle play/pause

k - Toggle play/pause

f - Toggle fullscreen

m - Toggle mute

j - Go back 10 seconds

l - Go forward 10 seconds

Left arrow - Go back 5 seconds

Right arrow - Go forward 5 seconds

Down arrow - Volume down

Up arrow - Volume up

Prezi Video Desktop



Create new Video: Ctrl+N

Open: Ctrl+O

Save: Ctrl+S

Save as: Ctrl+Shift+S


Editing shortcuts:

Cut: Ctrl+X (pre-select text first)

Copy: Ctrl+C (pre-select text first)

Select all: Ctrl+A

Viewing/recording shortcuts:

Ctrl+B - Toggle content visibility
Ctrl+1 - Presenter + content view
Ctrl+2 - Content-only view
Ctrl+3 - Transparent view
Alt +N - Hide/unhide name tag

Pause/Resume recording → Space key (It’s toggling between recording and paused state)



Create new Video: ⌘N (Cmd+N)

Import from Prezi: ⇧⌘N (Shift+Cmd+N)

Import PowerPoint: ⌃⌘N (Ctrl+Cmd+N)

Open: ⌘O (Cmd+O)

Save: ⌘S (Cmd+S)

Save as: ⇧⌘S (Shift+Cmd+S)

Minimize: ⌘M (Cmd+M)

Close: ⌘W (Cmd+W)

Quit: ⌘Q (Cmd+Q)

Editing shortcuts:

Cut: ⌘X (Cmd+X)

Copy: ⌘C (Cmd+C)

Paste: ⌘V (Cmd+V)

Select all: ⌘A (Cmd+A)

Viewing shortcuts:

⌘B (Cmd+B) - Toggle content visibility
⌘1 (Cmd+1) - Presenter + content view
⌘2 (Cmd+2) - Content-only view
⌘3 (Cmd+3) - Transparent view
⌥N (Option+N) - Hide/unhide name tag

Next slide: → (Right arrow)

Previous slide: ← (Left arrow)

Recording shortcuts:

Start/Pause recording: ␣ (Space)

Finish recording: ↩ (Return)

Exit recording mode: ⎋ (Escape)

Video conferencing shortcuts:

Close connection helper: ⎋ (Escape)

Exit video conference mode: ⎋ (Escape)



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