Shortcuts can help you with precision. They also expand your editing horizons and help you work quickly and more efficiently. Not to mention, they give your out-of-breath mouse a rest.
Prezi Video Web
Left arrow - moves to the previous slide in the presentation
Right arrow - moves to the next slide in the presentation
During recording
SPACE - Pausing the recording
B - Toggle content visibility
1 - Presenter + content view
2 - Content-only view
3 - Transparent view
Option/Alt+N - Hide/unhide name tag
Watching a video via the view page
SPACE - Toggle play/pause
k - Toggle play/pause
f - Toggle fullscreen
m - Toggle mute
j - Go back 10 seconds
l - Go forward 10 seconds
Left arrow - Go back 5 seconds
Right arrow - Go forward 5 seconds
Down arrow - Volume down
Up arrow - Volume up
Prezi Video Desktop
Create new Video: Ctrl+N
Open: Ctrl+O
Save: Ctrl+S
Save as: Ctrl+Shift+S
Editing shortcuts:
Cut: Ctrl+X (pre-select text first)
Copy: Ctrl+C (pre-select text first)
Select all: Ctrl+A
Viewing/recording shortcuts:
Ctrl+B - Toggle content visibility
Ctrl+1 - Presenter + content view
Ctrl+2 - Content-only view
Ctrl+3 - Transparent view
Alt +N - Hide/unhide name tag
Pause/Resume recording → Space key (It’s toggling between recording and paused state)
Create new Video: ⌘N (Cmd+N)
Import from Prezi: ⇧⌘N (Shift+Cmd+N)
Import PowerPoint: ⌃⌘N (Ctrl+Cmd+N)
Open: ⌘O (Cmd+O)
Save: ⌘S (Cmd+S)
Save as: ⇧⌘S (Shift+Cmd+S)
Minimize: ⌘M (Cmd+M)
Close: ⌘W (Cmd+W)
Quit: ⌘Q (Cmd+Q)
Editing shortcuts:
Cut: ⌘X (Cmd+X)
Copy: ⌘C (Cmd+C)
Paste: ⌘V (Cmd+V)
Select all: ⌘A (Cmd+A)
Viewing shortcuts:
⌘B (Cmd+B) - Toggle content visibility
⌘1 (Cmd+1) - Presenter + content view
⌘2 (Cmd+2) - Content-only view
⌘3 (Cmd+3) - Transparent view
⌥N (Option+N) - Hide/unhide name tag
Next slide: → (Right arrow)
Previous slide: ← (Left arrow)
Recording shortcuts:
Start/Pause recording: ␣ (Space)
Finish recording: ↩ (Return)
Exit recording mode: ⎋ (Escape)
Video conferencing shortcuts:
Close connection helper: ⎋ (Escape)
Exit video conference mode: ⎋ (Escape)