Your favorite things are worth hanging on to. Luckily, you can save the most memorable and frequently used elements of your presentation to your own personal Prezi library with just one click.
Adding to your library
You can add topics, images, text, icons, shapes, videos, charts, PDFs, and even a combination of these items to your library to be able to access and reuse them in other presentations.
With your presentation open, select the item you want to add to your library. You can also save multiple objects at once by dragging the mouse to select the area with all the content you would like to add to your library.
Once you select one or more items, the property bar will appear. Click the Add to my library button to add the selected item(s) to your library. Alternatively, you can right click and select Add to my library from the context menu. You will see an animation of the item(s) being added to the collection.
Reusing your content
Once you’ve added your favorite elements to your library, you can reuse them easily by inserting them from the My library sidebar.
Click the … More button from the Top menu bar and select My library. This will open the sidebar where you can browse through your saved elements by category or view them all at once. Click on an object to insert it or drag and drop it onto the canvas.
Removing items from your library
With the "My library" sidebar open, place your cursor over the thumbnail of the content you want to delete. A trash icon will appear. Click on it, then confirm the pop-up to remove the content from your library.
Accessing your library items from the dashboard
You can also view your content library directly from your Prezi dashboard. Just click the Library icon in the left sidebar to access your collection. In addition to the items saved while editing presentations, you can also find a selection of recommended frames, reusable videos created with Prezi Video and reusable presentations you might find useful.