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# placeholder

How to undo / redo in Infographics (Prezi Design)?

Need to undo or redo any edits you've made in your project? You can easily do that with a few clicks of the mouse or by using keyboard shortcuts.

  • From the Infographics editor, click on the mceclip1.png (Settings) icon in the top left corner.
  • To revert to a previous version of your design, select Undo. This will let you go one step back in your edits.
  • Select Redo if you decide to redo an undone action. You can select both options several times to go back to where you started or finished.
  • You can also use keyboard shortcuts Cmd + Z (on Mac) or Ctrl + Z (on Windows) to undo, and Cmd + Y (on Mac) or Ctrl + Y (on Windows) to redo.


Note: After exiting or closing the editor, the project's action history will be lost.
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