# placeholder
# placeholder

Keyboard shortcuts in Infographics (Prezi Design)

Keyboard shortcuts are there for a reason—they raise efficiency, boost productivity, and help you save time. Keep this cheat sheet nearby when working with Infographics, and tap away!


T Add text
C Add chart
M Add map
I Add graphics
S Add shape
G Switch between smart guides and the grid layout
O View all objects located outside of the canvas border
⌘ + Z Undo
⌘ + Y Redo
⌘ + A Select all objects on the active page
⌘ + “+”; ⌘ + “-” Zoom in / zoom out the page
⌘ + 0 Reset zoom to 100%
⌘ + ↑↓ Switch to next/previous page

Selected objects

Backspace; ⌘ + X Delete object
⌘ + C Copy object
⌘ + V Paste object
⌥ + drag Duplicate and drag object
⌘ + Shift + C Copy object style
⌘ + Shift + V Paste object style
⌘ + D Duplicate object
⌘ + G Group
⌘ + Shift + G Ungroup objects
⌘ + ] Bring forward
⌥ + ⌘ + ] Bring to front
⌘ + [ Send backward
⌥ + ⌘ + [ Send to back
←↓↑→ Move object by 1px
Shift + ←↓↑→ Move object by 10px
Shift + drag Lock movement on X or Y axis depending on the first movement
R (hold while moving mouse) Rotate
Shift + R (hold while moving mouse) Rotate by 15-degree steps
⌥ (hold while resizing) Resize from object center

Text object

⌘ + B Make text bold
⌘ + I Slant text
⌘ + U Underline text
⌘ + A Select all text
⌘ + Enter Accept changes & exit editing

Preview/presentation mode

← → Switch to next/previous page
Esc Exit preview/presentation mode


T Add text
C Add chart
M Add map
I Add graphics
S Add shape
G Switch between smart guides and the grid layout
O View all objects located outside of the canvas border
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + A Select all objects on the active page
Ctrl + “+”; Ctrl + “-” Zoom in / zoom out the page
Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom to 100%
Ctrl + ↑↓ Switch to next/previous page

Selected objects

Backspace; Ctrl + X Delete object
Ctrl + C Copy object
Ctrl + V Paste object
Alt + drag Duplicate and drag object
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy object style
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste object style
Ctrl + D Duplicate object
Ctrl + G Group
Ctrl + Shift + G Ungroup objects
Ctrl + ] Bring forward
Alt + Ctrl + ] Bring to front
Ctrl + [ Send backward
Alt + Ctrl + [ Send to back
←↓↑→ Move object by 1px
Shift + ←↓↑→ Move object by 10px
Shift + drag Lock movement on X or Y axis depending on the first movement
R (hold while moving mouse) Rotate
Shift + R (hold while moving mouse) Rotate by 15-degree steps
Alt (hold while resizing) Resize from object center

Text object

Ctrl + B Make text bold
Ctrl + I Slant text
Ctrl + U Underline text
Ctrl + A Select all text
Ctrl + Enter Accept changes & exit editing

Preview/presentation mode

← → Switch to next/previous page
Esc Exit preview/presentation mode

Browse the articles of the Create and edit section to access step-by-step guides on how to use Infographics (Prezi Design)!

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