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Technical specifications and FAQ for Prezi Video on Mac

In this article, you can find all the technical information about the installation and operation of the Prezi Video desktop application for Mac.

System requirements

MacOS version

The two latest OS versions of Mac



The app is distributed from prezi.com and downloadable from the user dashboard if the user is logged in.

Every release goes through an automated notarization process which means the following: "Notarization gives users more confidence that the Developer ID-signed software you distribute has been checked by Apple for malicious components. Notarization is not App Review. The Apple notary service is an automated system that scans your software for malicious content, checks for code-signing issues, and returns the results to you quickly."


  • The application is distributed in an Apple Disk Image container (DMG) which contains an application installer package (PKG) and an uninstaller
  • Distributed DMG size is 201 MB
  • We don’t have our own custom installer, Installation is done by the standard pre-installed Installer app 
  • Required free disk space: 300-350 MB for the application (mostly depends on some pre-packaged video template assets)
  • Installation does not require internet connection
  • Installation requires Administrator rights and the installer asks for admin password
  • Default install location is /Application

Installed components

  • /Application/Prezi Video.app
  • /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/PreziVideo.plugin
  • /Library/LaunchAgents/com.prezi.prezivideo.vcam.assistant.plist

Supported files

  • *.pv
  • *.pvl
  • *.ppt
  • *.pptx

Data storage

  • ~/Library/Application Support/com.prezi.PreziCast/
  • ~/Library/Caches/com.prezi.PreziCast/
  • /tmp/<temporary generated folder>
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.prezi.PreziCast.plist

Deployment guide

What kind of installers are available?

PKG installer package

Does the application need more software-components or OS updates for running (for example Java?)

No, it doesn't.

Can the application be installed on another Partition?

Currently, it can't.

Does the program run with user rights?

The application runs with user rights.

Does the software need an active internet connection during installation (registration)?

No registration is required. Internet connection is not needed.

Is silent installation possible?

Yes, it is.

Are there any installation-related log files?

No application-specific log lines only console logs created by the Installer app.

Is there a way to install and suppress app launch on install?

Currently, our post-install script will launch the app after install.

Is it possible to deploy the application to virtualized environments?

Yes, but graphics acceleration has to be turned on the given platform.

What technologies are used?

Virtual camera plug-in

  • Virtual camera plug-in is installed under: /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/PreziVideo.plugin
  • Plug-in communicates with Prezi Video app through an Assistant process. This process starts after installation and during OS startup. Launch agent location is: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.prezi.prezivideo.vcam.assistant.plist
  • The plugin should appear as a selectable camera in the host application (meeting tools, recording tools, etc..) with a name “Prezi Video Virtual Camera”
  • Plug-in is built on top of Apple’s Plug-in architecture


  • Crashlytics logs: -
  • Prezi analytics in: ~/Library/Application


  • ~/Library/Application Support/com.prezi.PreziCast/ - analytics logs, ongoing prezi video upload assets (video, document, metadata)
  • ~/Library/Caches/com.prezi.PreziCast/ - imported content, cached document assets, ongoing recording
  • /tmp/<temporary generated folder>- temporary files (ongoing video conversion)
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.prezi.PreziCast.plist - preferences, license information (that is verified and refreshed on every launch)

Crash reporting

  • Firebase Crashlytics 
  • To identify sessions we send: Prezi user_id and Prezi Analytics (glassbox) session_id

General topics

Does the software need an active internet connection while running?

Only for accessing the cloud-based features:

  • login
  • import ppt/presentation
  • upload video/document

The user needs to login to be able to use certain features of the application even in offline mode. The user should be able to use the application without (silently) logging in again for 30 days.

Can the software be used with a proxy-Server & which ports are needed for communication?

System-wide proxy settings are used automatically, no setup is needed. However, custom proxy settings that need authentication are not supported currently.

The software firewall of macOS is active in general and deactivates all incoming ports. Is that a problem for the Software?

The applications work with the default firewall. For more strict company firewalls that restrict access to domains, the IT admin needs to enable access to the Prezi servers:

  • *prezi.com
  • *.prezi.com
  • *.static.prezi.com
  • *s3.amazonaws.com
  • *.prezi.com.s3.amazonaws.com
  • *preziusercontent.com
  • *.preziusercontent.com
  • *.cloudfront.net
  • *.prezicdn.net

Can I disable the webcam/microphone access by Prezi Video?

Yes, under System Preferences → Security and Privacy

Do we support deep linking?

Yes, via prezi-video://.

Do we support SSO/SAML?

Yes, besides Prezi login, Facebook and Google login is available. SAML login is also supported. To learn more about setting up SAML SSO for your team, please check this article



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