# Placeholder
# Placeholder

Using presenter notes in Prezi Video

Got a bit of stage fright and you need a cue? Add presenter notes as reminders to your video before recording in Prezi Video to highlight key information and to help you practice and prepare for the final take. You will be the only one who sees them, helping you deliver an impressive video with maximum confidence. 

Paid feature: Presenter notes in Prezi Video are available for users with a Plus or higher Prezi plan. Luckily it’s a breeze to upgrade your license and get access to this and all the other great features our Prezi plans have to offer.

Adding presenter notes to your video

1. To display, add and edit your presenter notes, first go to the View icon on the top of the screen and select Show presenter notes. 
2. Type in your notes and select a text size that is comfortable for you to read from the screen in the text box above the video feed.
3. To add notes to a different slide, simply select it from the side panel and add your notes there.
4. To remove your presenter notes from a given slide, simply delete your text from the presenter notes window. 


Viewing your notes during recording or presenting in a video call


After you hit the red Record button, you will see your presenter notes displayed above the video window at each slide where you added them. Don't worry, these will not be included in your video and you're the only one who sees them, making you a more comfortable and confident presenter on camera.


Presenting in a video call

Once you have your content ready and you connected your video conferencing tool to Prezi Video by selecting the Prezi Camera, you are ready to start presenting your content. Before you start, we recommend you to go to the view icon and select Hide main panel so you don't have to have two windows open. You will still see the side panel where you can preview and navigate through your slides and you will also have your presenter notes displayed at the top. 


You also have the option to display presenter notes in a separate window and place it wherever you'd like to on the screen while presenting in a video call. In order to do so, select Pop out Presenter Notes under View in the top toolbar.


Want to learn more about Prezi Video and its features? Check out our dedicated Knowledge Base!

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