The transparent view in Prezi Video enables you to import your PowerPoint and Google Slides content and remove the background of the slides, resulting in a more personal and engaging experience. There are a few things worth taking into consideration when preparing your content to achieve the best results when presenting it in a recorded video or in a video conference.
Creating content for the transparent view mode from a template
In order to help you with creating the best slides possible, we created PowerPoint and Google Slides templates that you can download/make a copy of and customize before importing them to Prezi Video.
Optimizing your existing slides
1. Make sure to arrange your content in a way that you can still be visible behind it when presenting. Use the space on the right side and the bottom part of the slide to display text and visuals.
2. As the backdrop of your slides are being removed when using the transparent view mode, you might need to adjust the color or size of your texts and transparent PNG visuals for better readability/visibility. Take the lighting and your own background into consideration - If you have a white or light background, black text color will work the best but with a dark background you might want to go for light text colors and visuals.
3. If possible, use shapes and diagrams when building your slides as these look best with the transparent mode in Prezi Video.
4. Create 16:9 slides for importing as this is the default aspect ratio used in Prezi Video as well.
5. For a more professional look, try inserting objects behind your text boxes to give them a visual frame. Rounded corners for these shapes look even cooler!
6. You might also want to set the opacity of the visuals below 100% for an even more immersive experience.