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Adding and using the Bynder integration

Let your entire team access their own and shared content from Bynder! As an admin, you can now add an integration to their Prezi accounts so they can access digital content from Bynder anywhere, any time they are recording a video or presenting in a video call. Here's everything you need to know about enabling the integration and adding content from Bynder in Prezi Video.

Adding the Bynder integration as an admin

1. From your Prezi dashboard, go to your name and select Admin console from the dropdown list.

You should know: Only team admins can enable the integration from their account. If you don't see the Bynder integration when using Prezi Video, please contact your team admin.

2. Go to the team where you'd like to change the setting and click Manage

3. From the right sidebar, select Integrations


4. Select Add new integration


5. Select Bynder from the popup window. 


6. Add your company's subdomain and switch the toggle next to Enable integration now, then select Add integration



Adding content from Bynder in Prezi Video

Once the integration is enabled by the team admin, all team members are able to add content from their Bynder folder when using Prezi Video. 

1. With the Prezi Video online editor open, select Import in the right sidebar. 

Please note: The integration is currently only available from the online editor.

2. Select Bynder from the list.


3. Your portal will automatically populate with your team's Bynder domain. Select "Connect" to connect your team's library.


4. To connect your Prezi and Bynder accounts, you'll need to provide your Bynder account email address and password the first time you're using the integration. 


5. You're in! Select the asset you'd like to add in Prezi Video and go to Add assets


6. The asset will appear on screen next to you. To add another asset from Bynder, repeat the steps above.  

Removing the Bynder integration

Once the Bynder integration is set up in your admin console, all team members will have access to the integration unless it’s disabled or removed. You can temporarily turn the integration off for the organization without disconnecting it entirely by disabling the integration widget in your team’s admin console. Note that only a team admin is able to disable or remove the integration for an organization.

To disable the integration

  1. Navigate to your “Integrations” tab in the Admin Console.
  2. Locate the Bynder widget.
  3. Click the switch that reads “Turn integration on and off.”
  4. You’ll be presented with a modal asking whether you’re sure you wish to disable the integration. If the integration is disabled, members of your organization will be unable to use it until you’ve enabled it again. If you’d like to continue, click the red “Disable” button on the modal.
  5. The integration will be disabled and the switch will appear greyed out and positioned to the left in an “off” state. To re-enable it, simply click the switch once more to turn the integration back on again.

To delete the integration

If you wish to permanently disable the integration, you can remove it from your organization entirely.

  1. Navigate to your “Integrations” tab in the Admin Console.
  2. Locate the Bynder widget.
  3. Click the “Delete” button at the bottom of the widget.
  4. You’ll be presented with a modal asking whether you’re sure you wish to delete the integration. If the integration is deleted, members of your organization will be unable to use it in the future. If you’d like to continue, click the red “Delete” button on the modal.
  5. The integration will now be deleted and should disappear from your admin console. If you ever wish to re-enable the integration again in the future, you’ll need to complete setup again from scratch by clicking “Add new integration” and following the prompts.


Team users see ‘This portal domain does not exist’ error message in modal when trying to import from Bynder

Cause: The admin must ensure the domain is set correctly, as the domain used by the admin in the admin console will auto-populate for all users on the team. Note that there must not be any spaces included before or after the URL in your subdomain field. 


  1. Navigate to the Admin console
  2. Click ‘edit’ on the Bynder integration
  3. Make amendments to your Bynder subdomain as necessary
  4. Click “Update.” The domain will now be fixed for all users in your team.

Team users start experiencing issues logging into the Bynder universal compact view window, or find themselves getting logged out and are unable to log back in.

Cause: There may be an issue with their Bynder account license. 

Fix: Users should contact their team admin; admins should reach out to their Bynder account manager to address any issues with their team licenses.

Team users are unable to see “Bynder” as an import source, even after the admin has set up the integration for their team.

Cause: The integration must be enabled for users to see the Bynder import button. If users cannot see the Bynder option, the integration may be disabled for the team.


  1. Navigate to the Admin console
  2. If the ‘Turn integration on and off’ toggle is greyed out, the integration is disabled.  To enable it, click the toggle (it should appear blue now that it is enabled)

The asset I want to import is not appearing in UCV.

Cause: You are trying to import a “Private” file type that has no Public derivative. The Universal Compact View requires assets to be either uploaded publicly to Bynder, or have a public derivative (public DATs) available. 

It's important to note that assets cannot be switched to be public after upload—they can only have a public derivative created of them. This means if you wish to make the original public, the asset will have to be uploaded again and set to public (this is important to know when Importing non-static image assets). 

Fix: You’ll need to create a public derivative of the file, or re-upload the file to your Bynder library and select “Public” file type settings upon upload.

Team users receive an error when trying to import an image.

Prezi does not support all file types (e.g. EPS files), and thus gives the user an error message when attempting to insert a non-supported file type. The user should be aware that the UCV may show file types that cannot be successfully imported into Prezi. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to exclude these files from displaying in your team members’ UCV. 

Your team members should keep this in mind when selecting what derivative they choose to import from the Bynder library. For example, Prezi Video and Present do not currently support SVGs; however, a team member can select a PNG derivative of an SVG and successfully import it into their Prezi, with no need to reupload the asset. 

Contact your Bynder account manager to help you create custom derivative types, such as PNGs with transparent background. 

Team users are trying to import a non-static asset, but the asset is not importing properly (either not at all, or as a static image). 

Cause: For non-static files (such as GIFs) to be successfully imported, the original file must be imported, not a derivative. Note that only original assets set to public can be imported. 

Users should be aware that if for some reason an asset has been uploaded twice, once privately and once publicly, only the public version can be imported successfully. The same is true for other non-image assets (that are supported by Prezi). The original—not a public derivative—needs to be imported as Bynder’s generated DATs currently only support static images.

Fix: Re-upload the non-static (eg. GIF, .PPT, .MOV, etc.) file to your Bynder library and select “Public” file type settings upon upload.

Team users are selecting assets from the UVC, but the images do not successfully import into the Prezi.

Cause: The file you are selecting from the library is not a file type supported by Prezi, but has derivatives that may be supported.

Fix: Ensure you are selecting the proper derivative type when importing from Bynder. This means, if you’re trying to import a non-static file type such as a GIF, you must select a Public “original” type; if you are trying to import a static file type, choose a common derivative type such as a JPG or PNG. To select the derivative type when importing:

  1. Connect to the UCV and log into Bynder.
  2. If successful, you should see the assets available to you.
  3. Select the asset you wish to import.
  4. In the bottom right corner of the UCV, you will see a drop-down menu next to the ‘Add asset’ button. This is where you can select the derivative type. 
  5. Click the drop down and select which type you wish to import. NOTE: this is where the original must be selected if the asset is a non-static image or non-image. 
  6. Once selected, click ‘Add asset.’ The correct derivative will now be added to your presentation.

For more information about Bynder asset derivative DAT type files, please reference their support materials here, or reach out to your Bynder account manager for help.

For support

If you’re having trouble using your team’s Bynder integration as a member of the organization, contact your team’s admin for assistance.

If you’re an admin and are having trouble connecting your team’s Bynder library to your Prezi account—or if you’re still having trouble configuring your team assets in a way that’s compatible with Prezi presentations—contact your Prezi account manager or your Bynder representative.

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