# Placeholder
# Placeholder

Deleting an account

Once your account is gone, it’s gone forever, so there are a few important things to know before you delete your Prezi account.

Please be sure that you want to delete your account. You will lose all of the presentations you have created, and they cannot be recovered.

If you really do wish to delete an account, please ensure that you have canceled your subscription FIRST. This is very important because deleting an account doesn’t stop your payments.

Note: If you are part of a Prezi team, the "delete account" option is not available.

To delete your account

1. Go to the Account Settings page.

2. Select the “Profile” tab.

3. Click Delete account on the right side of your screen.

5. You will then receive a confirmation email to your account email address. Use the link in the email to confirm the deletion of your Prezi account.

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