Logging in to your Prezi account
Here's everything there's to know about the multiple ways you can log in to your Prezi account and start creating and...
How to change or reset your password
What do I do if I forgot my password?
If you’ve forgotten your password, click here. This will take you to another wi...
Changing your email address
You can change the email associated with your Prezi account through your settings page. It’s as easy as pie.
Upgrading an account
Ready for an upgrade? Whether you want to get your hands on advanced presenter features, powerful analytics, or offli...
Downloading an invoice
After you sign up for your life-changing Prezi plan, you will automatically be emailed an invoice for your purchase. ...
Deleting an account
Once your account is gone, it’s gone forever, so there are a few important things to know before you delete your Prez...
Your data choices and opting out
Your data choices and opting out
In our privacy policy, we outline the choices and options available for registered ...
GDPR Additional rights
Your rights
Based on the GDPR, users or visitors from Designated Countries may exercise any of the rights described i...
Prezi and GDPR
Your data security is our top priority
Protecting your sensitive information is job one for our dedicated data secur...
Prezi and the CCPA
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a data privacy law designed to strengthen the privacy rights of consume...
Verifying your email address
The first time you sign into the Prezi Support website, we will ask you to verify your email address. You will receiv...
Prezi's referral program
In our attempt to build a strong community of Prezi users who work together and support each other in today's increas...