# Placeholder
# Placeholder

Creating a custom starting point in Prezi Present

You can present your presentation with a custom-set starting point from anywhere in your presentation’s structure. You can create a custom starting point out of any frame, topic, subtopic, page, or animation in the presentation timeline. This allows you to take control of your presentation’s flow and direction so you can reveal content to your audience at just the right moment.

  1. Add a custom starting point by finding the place you'd like to start your presentation with, and then right-click (CMD/CTRL+click) and select Set as starting point.
  2. An icon will appear showing where the starting point was added.
  3. To remove a custom starting point, select the area that was set as your starting point, right-click (CMD/CTRL+click) on it and then select Remove starting point.

Adding a custom starting point to a topic, subtopic, or page

  1. Navigate to the place in your canvas where you’d like your presentation to start.
  2. Right-click (CMD/CTRL+click) on the thumbnail of the topic, subtopic, or page in the left sidebar.
  3. Select Set as starting point from the context menu.*
  4. An icon will appear in the left sidebar, and on your canvas, to show where the starting point was added.

*You can also add a custom starting point directly from the thumbnail preview in the left sidebar by clicking the three dots and selecting Set custom starting point from the dropdown menu. 

Pro Tip: For planet structures (circles), you can right-click directly on the topic or subtopic on your canvas and add the starting point from the context menu.

01_Custom_starting_point_adding to topic_and_frame.gif

Adding a custom starting point to an animation

  1. Locate the zoom animation you'd like to use as a starting point in the timeline in the left sidebar.
  2. Click the three dots on the presentation step thumbnail.
  3. Select Set custom starting point from the dropdown menu.

02_Adding_Custom_starting_point_to_animation (1).gif

Note: Your presentation needs to contain an animation before you can set it as a custom starting point. Learn how to add animations with this article.

Removing a custom starting point

  1. Navigate to the place in your canvas that contains the custom starting point.
  2. Right-click (CMD/CTRL+click) on a topic, subtopic, page, or animation.
  3. Select Remove starting point from the context menu.*

*You can also remove a custom starting point directly from the thumbnail preview in the left sidebar. Click the three dots on the presentation step's thumbnail and select Remove custom start point from the dropdown menu. 


Presenting with a custom starting point

When presenting with a custom starting point, your presentation will begin from the designated place in your presentation's structure. From there, you can navigate as usual and your presentation will continue until it reaches the last step. 

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