Create and edit
Add content
- Writing with right-to-left scripts in Prezi
- Object Locking in Prezi Present
- Adding and editing content in Prezi Present
- Adding fonts to your collection from Google Fonts in Prezi Present
- Adding and reusing content in your Prezi Present library
Topics and subtopics
- Everything you need to know about Topics
- Setting a path for topics and subtopics in Prezi Present
- Structuring in Prezi Present
- Adding topics, subtopics, and pages in Prezi Present
- Editing topics, subtopics, and pages in Prezi Present
Look and feel
- How to use the eyedropper tool to change colors in Prezi Present
- Adjusting and creating Presentations for Prezi Video
- How to remove image backgrounds in Prezi Present
- Using content layouts in Prezi Present
- Using topic layouts in Prezi Present
- How to combine Prezi presentations
- Collaborating in Prezi Present
- Removing collaborators in Prezi Present
- Adding comments as a viewer in Prezi Present
Prezi Classic, Meet Prezi Present
- Discontinuing the Prezi Classic desktop application
- What is Prezi Present?
- How to create a Classic-style presentation with Prezi Present
- Turning your Prezi Classic presentation into a video