# Placeholder
# Placeholder

Your data choices and opting out

Your data choices and opting out

In our privacy policy, we outline the choices and options available for registered users and visitors as follows:

Access and control of your personal information

We provide many choices about the collection, use, and sharing of your data, including deleting or correcting data you include in your profile and controlling the visibility of your content.

Update or correct data

You can edit some of your personal information through your account. You can also ask us to change, update, or fix your data in certain cases, particularly if it’s inaccurate.

Delete data

You can ask us to erase or delete your personal information. In some cases (for example, information previously posted in public areas) it may not be practical or may be unduly burdensome, to delete user data. In the event that we may not delete your information, we will inform you.

Object to, limit, or restrict use of data

You can ask us to stop using all or some of your personal data (e.g., if we have no legal right to keep using it) or to limit our use of it (e.g., if your personal data is inaccurate or unlawfully held).

Access and/or take your data

You can ask us for a copy of any personal data you've provided in machine-readable form.

Account closure

You may cancel your account and you may opt out of receiving marketing emails from us at any time. In order to cancel your account, opt out of, or modify your personal information, please log in and visit your Settings & Account page and follow the instructions provided, or go to our Help & Support page.

How to exercise your choices

At any time, any of our registered users and visitors may exercise the choices described in this article by following instructions linked above or sending an email to privacy@prezi.com. In the email, please provide specific details indicating which choice you would like us to fulfill. Once we receive the communication, we will respond as quickly as we can. Please note that depending on the request, it might take us several days to respond. Additionally, depending on the request, we might ask you to verify your identity before acting.

Opting out of communications

You may opt out of receiving marketing emails from us at any time. You can opt out of receiving future marketing emails by clicking on the opt-out link sent with every communication. In the event that you have already deleted such emails, you can also opt-out by emailing us at privacy@prezi.com with a request to unsubscribe from future emails.

Please note that although you may opt out of receiving certain emails, we reserve the right to communicate with you via email regarding specific products and services you have ordered, requested, or inquired about.

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