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Converting or importing PowerPoint slides into a Prezi presentation

Want to break free from boring presentations? Upload your PowerPoint slides and convert them into a dynamic Prezi presentation with a few simple clicks. All you need is a .ppt or .pptx file and a Prezi account to start turning your old linear slide deck into a dynamic moving story.

Getting started

To create a totally new presentation from your PowerPoint:

  1. Navigate to the Presentations part of your Prezi dashboard.
  2. Create a new presentation by clicking the Convert PowerPoint button.


You can also import a PowerPoint presentation into an existing Prezi Presentation. To do so:

  1. Open the presentation.
  2. Click the Media button at the top of the editor.
  3. In the menu that opens, click PowerPoint.


Whichever way you get started, the Upload PowerPoint file box will appear.

Uploading and converting a PowerPoint file

  1. From the Upload PowerPoint file box, click the Upload a file button.
  2. Select a .ppt or .pptx file from your computer.
  3. Once uploaded, your slides will appear in the sidebar.
  4. Select and organize which slides you want to import. They will appear in your presentation with Frames for easy navigation.


Editing your slides

Since your slides become images on your presentation, you can move, resize, and rotate them as needed.

To move an inserted slide, click on the frame around it and drag it anywhere on your canvas. The content inside the frame will follow. After you’ve moved it to where you would like it to be, release the mouse.

To adjust the size, click on the inserted slide and drag a corner to make it larger or smaller.

To rotate, click on a frame or inserted slide to select it. Move your mouse just past the corner of the selection until a rotate icon appears. Then, drag up or down to turn it.


Removing the background 

If your slides have a solid background, you are able to remove it, allowing your content to blend more seamlessly with your Prezi presentation.


Deleting a slide

Click on a frame or slide and press BACKSPACE/DELETE on your keyboard, or right-click (CTRL/CMD+click) and select “delete” from the context menu. Deleting the frame only will not delete the slide.


Adding more content

After you have imported your chosen PowerPoint slides, you can add more content such as new frames, animations, story blocks, charts, videos, use Ask AI to enhance any text or turn it into visuals and so on.


Previewing your presentation

While or after you finish editing your new slides to Prezi presentation, you can preview how it looks by clicking on the Eye button or Present on the top right corner. This way you can make sure that your content appears as you intended. You can always rearrange the order by dragging and dropping the thumbnails on the left sidebar.



Note: The PowerPoint converter is not available on Chromebook devices.
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