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How to save your video in Prezi Video

Whether you are halfway through creating your video or you’ve already finished recording it, make sure to save your work. Once the video is ready, you just have to add a few final touches so it can be shared with the world. Save yourself a headache by always saving your video!


Saving your video in Prezi Video online

Once you start creating a video, a draft is automatically made so you can return to your project anytime. The drafts are available on your Prezi Video dashboard - you just have to go there, click the three dots on the thumbnail and choose Edit to resume working on your video. 

When you are done with editing, recording, and trimming your video,  click Save video for it to be processed and saved to your dashboard. Once you do so, the draft version of your project will be automatically converted to the final recording. Don’t worry, if you want to record a different video with the same content, you can reuse any of your existing videos and create a different version. 

Note: When closing the Prezi Video tab after finishing recording without clicking "Save video", the recording will be lost. Make sure to save the video before exiting the online editor.

After clicking Save video, you’ll be redirected to the admin page of your freshly recorded video where you can wrap up your project by completing a few final steps. A catchy title, a few popular hashtags, and a well-rounded description can go a long way when it comes to targeting and reaching the right audience. Be as specific with the tags and possible and try to anticipate what your viewers are looking for so you can make it easier for them to find your content. 


Use the Download button to export your video as an mp4 file (paid feature) to share on social media or copy the link to share your video online. You can also change the privacy settings or delete your video on the right side of the admin page. 

Pro Tip: Read this article about all the ways you can share your video and this article about setting privacy in Prezi Video for more information.

Saving your video in the Prezi Video desktop app

When creating a video in the Prezi Video desktop application, you can save your project before recording to return to it later. In case you would like to save your project to record your video later, click File in the top toolbar and choose Save as… to save your project in a .pvl format. Alternatively, you can also click Save and Close when exiting the Prezi Video app. Opening the app, go to File and then Open to locate your saved project.


Once you are done with recording and trimming your video in the app, click the Export button to process your recording. You can then either upload the video to your Prezi account so you can access it from your Prezi Video dashboard and share it with a link later on, or export it as an .mp4 file to save it to your computer. Simply click the three dots on the video thumbnail and select Share to be redirected to the video admin page where you can download your video or copy the share link from.

Before syncing your video to the website, you need to determine whether your video is going to be public+reusable or unlisted. You will then immediately have a link generated that you can share with others to view your video, whether you made it public or unlisted. 

With an unlisted video, only people you share the link with can view it but they cannot reuse your content, while public videos are available for everyone to see and reuse from our video gallery page and via search engines. 

When downloading your video to your computer, you can optimize its size for social media, mobile, or keep the original size. 



Pro Tip: Check our dedicated Prezi Video knowledge base for more tutorial articles and tips!
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