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Configuring AuthO for SAML SSO in Prezi

In this article, you can find detailed instructions on configuring your identity provider, AuthO in order to set up SAML SSO for your Prezi team. 

Configuring AuthO for SAML SSO

1. Click on Create application in your applications list. 


2. Enter your application name and select the Regular Web Applications application type.


3. Go to the Settings tab and check that these options are set with these values.


Token Endpoint Authentication Method: POST

Allowed Callback URLs: https://prezi.com/complete/saml/

Application Login URI:  https://prezi.com/complete/saml/

Allowed Origins (CORS): https://prezi.com/complete/saml/

JWT Expiration: 36000

4. Click on Show Advanced Settings.


5. Navigate to Certificates and copy Signing Certificate to the team admin certificate field.


6. Go to the Addons tab and enable SAML2 WEB APP.


7. Fill out Application Callback URL with https://prezi.com/complete/saml/ and fill this configuration in the Settings field and click Save.

{"nameIdentifierFormat": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress","nameIdentifierProbes": ["http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress"],"mapUnknownClaimsAsIs": true}

8. Go to the Usage tab and copy Issuer and Identity Provider Login URL to the team admin SSO settings page.


9. Don't forget to add app_metadata configuration for Auth0 created users who are not coming from Auth0 connections.



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