What's my domain?
When using Prezi Video for Zoom Apps, you have the option to set up and log into the app via SAML SSO. In order to do...
Setting up SAML SSO for your team
Single-sign on (SSO) is an authentication method allowing users to log into multiple resources using one set of crede...
SSO FAQ for teams
Here you can find the most frequently asked questions and the answers to them in connection with setting up and using...
Configuring OneLogin for SAML SSO in Prezi
In this article, you can find detailed instructions on configuring your identity provider, OneLogin in order to set u...
Configuring AuthO for SAML SSO in Prezi
In this article, you can find detailed instructions on configuring your identity provider, AuthO in order to set up S...
Configuring Microsoft Active Directory for SAML SSO in Prezi
In this article, you can find detailed instructions on configuring your identity provider, Microsoft Active Directory...
Configuring Okta for SAML SSO in Prezi
In this article, you can find detailed instructions on configuring your identity provider, OneLogin in order to set u...