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Why did my payment fail?

If you're having trouble with your payment, take a look at the steps below to help make your payment successful. You can always check or update your payment information on your Account Settings page.

You should know: Payment attempts are most commonly blocked by the bank. Please try reaching out to your bank to get more information and authorize the charge.
I can't add my payment method

If you are getting an error when entering your payment method while creating your account or if you cannot update your existing payment method to a new one from your Account Settings, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Your card-issuing bank has blocked recurring charges on your card or has marked it as an unauthorized payment and you may need to reach out to them to unblock the card.
  • Your card's transaction limit has been exceeded.
  • Your payment was temporarily rejected due to connectivity issues.
  • You used a prepaid card during card verification/trial sign-up and the bank declined recurring charges.

What we recommend:

  • Check the card details: Double-check that the details you’ve entered are a valid card number, expiry date, and CVV code. Please enter a four digit CVV code for American Express cards (usually located the on front), and a three-digit code for other card types.
  • Try setting up a different payment method, a different credit/debit card or your PayPal account.
  • Input Valid VAT number: If you are opting for VAT, please check if the VAT number is valid.
  • Check for sufficient funds: Make sure you have sufficient funds in the account you’re using to pay. If you’re using a prepaid card, you might need to top it up or release charges.
  • Enable for international transactions: Check if your card is enabled for foreign, secure online, and recurring purchases. You can contact your bank or credit company to verify.
  • Contact your bank to make sure that the transaction is authorized and/or not marked as suspicious. It might be a temporary rejection by the bank, and we would make another attempt to charge the card.

If payment for your subscription fails for any reason, you won't immediately lose your paid features. We try charging your card on file for a few times within a 15-day window, before finally canceling the subscription

Note: If you tried the above and still cannot resolve the issue, please fill out our Contact Form.
I can't pay with my current payment method

If you're having trouble paying for your subscription or you received an email from us notifying that your payment has been unsuccessful at the end of the trial period or upon subscription renewal, it could be due to following reasons:

  • Your card-issuing bank has blocked recurring charges on your card or has marked it as an unauthorized payment and you may need to reach out to them to unblock the card.
  • Your card's transaction limit has been exceeded.
  • Your payment was temporarily rejected due to connectivity issues.
  • You used a prepaid card during card verification/trial sign-up and the bank declined recurring charges.
  • Your card expired.
Note: If you tried the above and still cannot resolve the issue, please fill out our Contact Form so our team can further support you.

What we recommend:

  • Try setting up a different payment method, a different credit/debit card or your PayPal account.
  • Check for sufficient funds: Make sure you have sufficient funds in the account you’re using to pay. If you’re using a prepaid card, you might need to top it up or release charges.
  • Enable for international transactions: Check if your card is enabled for foreign, secure online, and recurring purchases. You can contact your bank or credit company to verify.
  • Contact your bank to make sure that the transaction is authorized/not marked as suspicious. It might be a temporary rejection by the bank, and we would make another attempt to charge the card.

If payment for your subscription fails for any reason, you won't immediately lose your paid features. We try charging your card on file a few times within a 15-day window before finally canceling the subscription. Please check your inbox for any transaction emails from Prezi.

You should know: Please do not attempt a transaction more than four or five times, as any further attempts may be denied for the day.
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