Frames are the best way to direct your audience's attention, reveal information, and organize your presentation, much like slides are used in other tools. Consider what information your audience should have for the biggest impact and best-looking presentation.
Inserting a frame of content
- To insert new content, click on the + Add frame button on the top left corner of the editor and it will automatically detect a great location to insert a new frame on the canvas.
- After that you can choose to use a frame layout on the side bar or add your own content with a blank frame.
- If you'd like to choose where to place your frame, you will find the drawing function under the dropdown menu in the + Add frame button.
- A ghost frame will appear and follow your mouse so you can see what the frame placement would look like before you click.
- You can also adjust the size of a frame later by pulling one of the corners in or out.
Using frame layouts
Frame layouts help you design and organize your content easily. When you insert your frame, a new frame layout menu will appear in the right sidebar. Scroll through the options until you find one you like, then just click on it. It will appear on the canvas automatically with placeholder content.
Once the frame layout is selected, you can easily replace the placeholder content with your own. Layouts can come with pictures, paragraphs, lists, and more – there are 24 different layouts to choose from.
If you want just a blank frame and add your own content, you can find it at the top of the list.
Resizing or moving a frame
Select the frame you want to resize. A small white square will appear on each corner. To resize, simply drag one of these corners in or out. The frame’s size will update in real time.
You can also freely adjust a frame’s general shape. Just select the frame and drag in or out from the side of the frame you’d like to adjust, such as turning it into a longer and thinner rectangle. The frame’s size will update in real time.
A frame’s default shape and ratio is dependent on your presentation’s aspect ratio. You can learn more about aspect ratios and adjusting them in our article here.
While you have a frame selected, you can also move it. Just click within the frame with it selected, move it to the area you now want the frame, and unclick.
Adjusting the Overview frame
The Overview can be resized just like other frames, but it will not move the content inside. This is great for adjusting on the fly as you add content and build your presentation.
Select the Overview to get started. A small white square will appear on each corner. To resize, drag one of these corners in or out.
Deleting a frame
Deleting a frame will also delete its content inside. There are multiple ways to delete a frame with its existing content:
- Right-click on it on the canvas and select Delete
- Select it and use the DELETE/BACKSPACE key on your keyboard
To only delete the frame and keep the content inside:
- Right-click on the frame, select Detach content from frame and with the frame selected, press Delete or right-click and Delete
To only remove the frame's thumbnail from your timeline and this portion of the content won't be zoomed in during your presentation:
- Right-click on the frame's thumbnail on the timeline and select Remove from timeline
- Click on the three dots on the timeline and select Remove from timeline
Tips on using frames
You can think of frames as shots in a movie, or windows where you show your audience what you want.
Try placing your content around the canvas in whatever way you like. Then, as you start organizing your ideas more, bring in frames to focus attention and organize the content. This process of organizing and framing is the basic way to create presentations using Prezi.
When you feel comfortable with that, bring frames to their full potential by using them to reveal information, zoom in closer on details, and more.
Adjusting the intensity of the frames zooming
The zoom intensity of frames depends on their size relative to the canvas. Larger frames will have lower zoom intensity, while smaller frames will have higher zoom intensity.
To adjust the effect, enlarge the frame for less intensity or reduce its size for more.
Alternatively, arrange frames side by side or stacked to achieve a seamless slide-like effect.