#From July 29 - August 2, we’ll be closing our live support channels in observance of a company holiday. You can still submit help requests online, and we’ll answer as quickly as possible.
#From July 29 - August 2, we’ll be closing our live support channels in observance of a company holiday. You can still submit help requests online, and we’ll answer as quickly as possible.

Live streaming and video conferencing in Webex with Prezi Video

Video conferencing and online learning just got more interesting! You’ve already used Webex for remote meetings, but now you can connect it directly to Prezi Video and share your content, ideas, and yourself, all together on the same screen. 

1. Start the Prezi Video desktop app and open the Webex / Webex Meetings desktop or web app. 

Please note: Both the Prezi Video and the Webex apps must be opened in order to establish the connection. Streaming is available only through the Prezi Video desktop application. 

2. In the Prezi Video desktop app, there are multiple different ways to present your content. You can either:

To access the content (template + text and visuals added) of your previously recorded videos online, open your Prezi Video online dashboard. Click the dropdown in a thumbnail preview and select Video conferencing. This will open the video directly in the Prezi Video desktop app.

If you previously saved a draft project in the desktop app before recording your video, you can open it by clicking File >Open in the top toolbar.

3. When you're done preparing your content, start your meeting in the Webex Meetings desktop or web app by clicking Meet. Then, click the arrow next to Stop video and select "Prezi Camera" from the camera list. 

Note: If you're a Mac user and you don't see the Prezi Virtual Camera option on the list, ask your Webex team admin to do the following: Go to the Control Hub, select Meeting in the left sidebar then click prezi.webex.com and select Configure Site on the right. Under Common Settings, select Site Options and tick the box next to Allow Mac users to use virtual cameras with validated libraries. 


Pro Tip: Ask the other participants of the meeting to use the stack, the side by side or the full screen mode so they see your content displayed in its entirety.

4. Click Start meeting and return to the Prezi Video desktop app. You'll see that the connection has been established at the bottom.

You should know: Some video apps might automatically mirror your camera. Don’t worry, this is due to a default setting and it means that your audience sees your content the right way. 

Before presenting, you can also hide the main panel of the app here:


This way, you don’t need to have both Prezi Video and Webex open next to each other. You’ll still see the upcoming slides and the navigation arrows in the side panel. Your presenter notes will appear along the top, if you have any.

To navigate through your content, select the left and right arrows on your keyboard, in the side panel or click directly on anything you want to zoom to.

Depending on what you want your audience to focus on, use the toggle to either show or hide your content. When you’re showing your content, you can either make it appear right next to you or show it in full screen.


You can also share your screen while presenting or share live reactions while presenting. When you are done with presenting your video, just go back to the camera settings in Webex Meetings and switch back to the default webcam to stop streaming from the Prezi Video app.



Pro Tip: If you added a video in Prezi Video and you'd like to play it with sound while video conferencing, please remove your earphones and let your computer microphone capture the sound coming out of the speakers. You also have to go to the microphone settings (arrow next to the microphone icon) and select "Turn on music mode". If you don't turn on music mode, the audio suppression will not recognize any sound besides your voice.
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